Our procurement department insures safe and sustainable supply to answer our needs.
In a context of constant evolution, it plays an important role to help the Group reach its operational objectives.
We aim to adopt a sustainable strategy with our local and international suppliers, keeping in mind continuous improvement and cost optimization.

Our purchasing fields
Production consumables to cover our mines and processing plants: reagents, explosives, tires…
Equipments and spare parts including equipments and used machines along with spare parts: pumps, shovels, mills…
Services within our different activities civil engineering, drilling works, metal work…
Logistics : ocean freight, shipping costs…
Our procurement policy
We pay special attention to ethical and right conduct principles and we collaborate with suppliers and partners who share the same standards.
Safety is our priority. Our suppliers and we are committed to provide safe work environment and to take all necessary measures to avoid any accident or injury.
Social and environmental responsibility
We make sure to respect laws and applicable rules in terms of Human rights and labour code. We also make sure our partners are committed to protect the environment through the promotion of sustainable growth culture.
Social responsability
We chose to work with suppliers who participate in social and economic development of our sites surrounding communities, for instance by encouraging local employment and by participating to sustainable initiatives, led by Managem or by our supplier.
We require services and products that respect quality standards and come within continuous improvement approach.
We are looking for the best « Procurement solution » offering agility and flexibility. Suppliers’s competitiveness is evaluated based on their financial offer and the relevance of suggested technical solutions. It must meet our needs in terms of cost and quality.
Innovation :We value suppliers who are source of proposals, offering innovations and news technologies that might answer Managem’s needs across all activities.
Become Managem’s suppplier
We have strict standards to choose our suppliers and service providers that we collaborate with; We have definded evaluation criteria to homologate a supplier.
Through well-documented file provided by supplier, our homologation team confirms that the supplier have all legal, financial and technical capacities to provide needed products and services, along with solid references in the same activity sector.
This file contains valid and complete homologation form and other documents to ensure accuracy of claimed elements.
If needed, there might be an interview with suppliers to get more information on their activities, depending on the nature of service or product.
Without homologation, the supplier won’t be able to work with Managem.
Once suppliers are homologated, they can be contacted at any time by Managem’s procurement team for different purchasing requests.
We attribute an account to all our suppliers via Managem ERP system enabling them to access multiple subjects : On-going pitches, invoices…