The team on-site was honored to welcome Imad TOUMI, the chairman and CEO of Groupe Managem, who took the opportunity to thoroughly engage with the progress made at the location. His visit was followed by a comprehensive tour of the construction site. The project is making great strides as it moves toward first LNG production.

Here are some key milestones in Phase 1 development:

  • Gas Wells Ready: TE-6 and TE-7 are recompleted and ready to tie back to the processing facility.
  • LNG Storage Tank Advancing: Inner tank complete, with steady progress on the outer tank and lid.
  • Processing Facility Prepped: Pads are ready for units like gas separation systems and the cold box for LNG production.
  • Community Support: Initiatives include water supplies for schools and improved mobile connectivity.

The site infrastructure highlights the project’s steady progression, with Phase 1 developments laying a strong foundation for future success. The Tendrara Micro-LNG Project stands out as a model of innovation, sustainability, and local impact.