• 2022-11-11

    COP 27: MANAGEM's new continental commitment to the fight against climate change.

    MANAGEM Group in its African dimension, marks once again its support to initiatives aiming to build the climate resilience of the continent and to participate effectively in its sustainable growth, by adhering to the "Africa Business Leaders' Climate Statement", announced on November 9, 2022, during the COP27.

    The "Africa Business Leaders' Climate Statement" represents a new step took by the African private economic actors, at the heart of the continent's social and economic transformation, in their commitment to fight  climate change.

    The statement, taking origin from the 2021-2023 strategy of the United Nations Global Compact for Africa, is an outcome of the African Business Leaders Coalition (ABLC), an initiative led by African CEOs.

    The announcement made during the 2022 Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference, COP27, reflects the commitment of more than 50 African business leaders to bring the African perspective to the global climate change emergency.

    To learn more, please visit the following link : 


  • 2022-11-04

    Managem launches through its club Women Rise Up the "Women In Mining Awards

    On the occasion of the International Day of Women in Mining, created by the global organization "International Women in Mining" (IWiM), and celebrated on June 15 each year, Managem Group has launched a new initiative called "Women in Mining Awards".

    Committed to promoting diversity within the group and encouraging the feminization of the mining industry, Managem group, through its Women Rise up Club, wished to anchor this will through the organization of an event dedicated to the valorization of the achievements and the success of women in the various professions of the group and its subsidiaries on a national and international level.

    A day full of emotions, celebrated on November 03, 2022 at Managem Academy, with the presentation of awards to exceptional women who demonstrate to young women and future generations what this industry is capable of offering in terms of evolution, development, career and exceptional professional paths.

  • 2022-09-26

    Managem Group - Organization of a "Strategy" day at Managem Academy

    With the energy transition, the mining industry must meet the growing demand for mineral resources and critical metals. It is around this theme that Managem Group organized on September 26 at Managem Academy a «strategy» day in the presence of Imad TOUMI, directors, managers and executives of the group.

    This day, which brought together more than 200 employees, was an opportunity to review the group’s achievements, to capitalise on the experiences and to share with all present the ambitions and strategic orientations for 2025. Our goal is to be a reference miner in the responsible extraction and processing of mineral resources.

     A participatory day, focused on conviviality and exchange

    A first edition of these meetings, 

    Others are to come...

  • 2020-10-26

    R&D prize for the best Juniore Company awarded to e-Taqwim

    Groupe Managem awards the R&D prize to e-Taqwim, Junior Enterprise of Moulay Ismail Meknes University in Morocco, as part of the national competition for the best JE, organized by our partner INJAZ Al-Maghrib. A prize that rewards the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation of these young students who offer solutions for the improvement of electronic document management in R&D.

  • 2020-10-26

    The Smart Mine project selected under the Al-Khawarizmi program

    Aware of the importance of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the development of the Moroccan mining sector, Reminex, subsidiary of Managem Group, participated in the Al-Khawarizmi program: a national call for project program in the field of Artificial Intelligence, launched by the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research and the Digital Development Agency.

    Through this initiative, the Research Center suggested a connected smart mine project, selected among 251 submitted projects. A great achievement for Reminex and the entire Managem Group, that fits perfectly into our digital transformation approach, for efficient, safer and more sustainable Smart Mines.